Is Hybrid Working The New Normal?



Jennifer is a Senior Executive Finance professional with 22+ years of global experience. She specialises in Finance Transformation, ESG and Continuous Improvement, with particular expertise in Strategy, Performance Management, Business Partnering, Commercial Decision-Making, Corporate Governance and Valuation.

With home working either recommended or mandated in many locations to address the coronavirus pandemic, many collaborated and worked virtually remotely for the first time. With the pandemic playing out as it did, working from home lasted far longer than anyone might have initially anticipated.

The workforce gained significant experience working from home, and this shift is now irreversible. There was subsequently plenty in the media about the advantages and disadvantages both for the employee and employer. Much of that stems from organisations first believing that they could more or less continue as they did when their staff was office-based, albeit with some technology additions and changes. The reality was and is that there is much more to successful and sustainable organisational models where virtual or hybrid working is involved. Therefore, an organisation taking concrete actions in this arena will have more of a competitive edge.

Hybrid Working and Company Culture

Most organisations have recognised that proper technology infrastructure, connectivity and collaborative tools are necessary. Many free versions are available, but any organisation using, for example, Microsoft or Google will have access to the appropriate collaboration software within those packages. As we moved through the pandemic, developments in those applications came thick and fast and continue to do so. Functionality is, therefore, scarcely a hurdle anymore. However, as we already said, there is much more to successful virtual or hybrid working than technology alone. Our focus is on the ways of working rather than the technology that underpins it.

Even before COVID-19, however, virtual working had been increasing. Organisations with multiple locations or global reach had consequently invested in the necessary technological infrastructure. Smaller or more locally focused organisations then followed suit.

Some studies in the US have shown significant productivity increases in remote working. Employees found it easier to concentrate and were also less likely to take sick days or prolonged breaks. On the other hand, some have found the prolonged lack of face-to-face contact with their colleagues challenging. This has consolidated over time.

Developing Collaboration in Hybrid Working Teams

The good news is that there is a solution to overcome the perceived downsides of remote working. Rather than reverting to the old ways of doing business, you can directly address the challenges in managing virtual teams. When you successfully identify and remedy remote workplace issues, you build a robust and agile team that is collaborative across the globe. Developing successful collaboration in a virtual working environment is what we at Loughridge Transformations can help you achieve. Our team has a proven track record of successful delivery while working virtually.

We see three pillars of effective virtual or hybrid working for teams: 

Virtual Working - Communication

Effective Communication

Build a robust culture that supports collaboration

Virtual Working - Trust

Building Trust

Shared Mission

Collaborative Spirit

Strategic Team Building

Virtual Working - Productivity

Maintaining or Improving Productivity

Establish accountability

Set expectations for each role and have organisational role models

Implement checks & balances to prevent never-ending workdays leading to exhaustion and resentment

How can Loughridge Transformations support your Virtual or Hybrid Working?

Altering the organisational culture and ways of working is often seen as a marathon rather than a sprint. We at Loughridge Transformations are ready to play a more minor or more significant part in that journey with you.

We can offer short virtual workshops —with no further obligations—that your organisation can use as the first building block to improving your virtual working journey. So why not get in touch with us to explore the possibilities?

Alternatively, take a look at our most popular blog posts:

Or are you looking for something else? Here’s what we have been blogging about recently:

Agile Analytics Associates Automation Behaviours Building Trust Business-Partnering CFO Remit Change Management Coaching Collaboration Continuous Improvement Control Design Corporate Governance Data Deployment Design Principles Digital ERP ESG Finance Function Finance Transformation Implementation Migration Off-Shoring Organisation Organisation Design Process Process Design Process Performance Productivity Programme Management Office Project Management Readiness Risk & Controls Skills Solution Selection sponsorship Standard Organisational Model Strategy Systems Systems Design Technology Transformation Virtual Working

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